Dean’s Message – January 2019


Over the Christmas Holidays I was the recipient of many great Christmas presents and blessings.  One was the opportunity to worship in St. James Episcopal Church and enjoy the superb service playing and music direction of Tyler Ballou.  Tyler is a joy to watch.  St. James Episcopal in Midvale is blessed with a pipe organ rebuilt and updated by David Chamberlain and the Bigelow Organ Company.  Tyler is very proficient at registering and playing in a manner that brings out the most from this instrument.  He is talented.  If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend this service simply to enjoy Tyler’s talents.

Another was the opportunity to worship in the service at Cottonwood Presbyterian Church.  To my surprise, the organist was our own Cool Canadian – Kathy Fisher!  I understand she is now the resident organist at Cottonwood Presbyterian Church.   I thoroughly enjoyed listening and singing to her playing during the service.   The Cottonwood Presbyterian Church is blessed with a host of talented musicians including a superb choir.  I highly recommend this service, just to here Kathy play and to hear the choir.  

Yet another was the advent or our new SLCAGO Website!  Thank you Max Walker, Sean MacFarland and all the others who have put so much effort to finally get this blessing launched!  I thank them, especially Max, for all the effort and sacrifice to get this site up and running. will be of great service for all or our members.  Please extend your thanks to them. 

With the advent of this new year, our Chapter is moving forward many quality programs, events and projects for the benefit of our members.  Our current executive committee members and volunteers are putting in a ton of time and sacrifice to provide the best programs, events and projects for our members.  I thank them.  You should to.  I suggest that the best way to thank them is to personally attend the programs and events, bring a guest to the programs and events, and volunteer to help with one or more of the many positions or projects our Chapter sponsors.  We need your help.  Make it your New Year resolution to give a little time to the Chapter.   We will all benefit.

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