This year’s Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza was held October 15, 2022 on Temple Square and was a great success! Dozens of children, together with parents and teachers, gathered Saturday, October 15, 2022 to listen to a demonstration of the Tabernacle Organ by Bill Hesterman, and play other organs on Temple Square, including the V/130 Schoenstein in the Conference Center and III/65 Sipe organ in the Assembly Hall organs. It was a a wonderful introduction to the pipe organ for many children and youth.
Jan Clayton and Emily Spencer worked tirelessly to organize and were assisted by chapter members as well as officials on Temple Square.
The 50-rank Bigelow & Co. pipe organ (Op. 36) was completed in 2013. Many of the pipes and windchests came from the Holtkamp organ that was located in Saint. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, a favorite instrument of local musicians that could be heard on the Sunday radio broadcasts performed by Clay Christiansen. The Holtkamp organ became available when Saint Mark’s commissioned a new instrument that was more suitable for the space. The organ was enlarged and a new case designed to match the unique architecture and stained-glass windows of Saint Ambrose.
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (CWM RHONDDA)
Organist: Stanley Heap
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL)
Organist: Christopher Huntzinger
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (NETTLETON)
Organist: Mark Atencio
The Water is Wide (O WALY, WALY)
Organist: Shelby Fisher
Trumpet: Maryna Pohlman
For the Beauty of the Earth (DIX)
Organist: Lora Kelly
Be Thou My Vision (SLANE)
Organist: Terry Jankowski
The King of Love My Shepherd Is (ST COLUMBIA)
Organist: Kristin Cook
Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN)
Organist: Shelby Fisher
Trumpet: Maryna Pohlman
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (LOBE DEN HERREN)