We advertise events sponsored by other organizations in addition to our own. Some events may not be updated on the SLCAGO calendar. Please confirm location and time with the event sponsor.
Opening Social and Music Exchange
First Presbyterian Church 12 C Street East, Salt Lake City, Utah, United StatesDATE: Sunday, September 8, 2024 5:45-7:45pm Birthday Celebration! Lots is planned for our Opening Social so please attend! The Salt Lake […]
Eccles 31st Season Opening Concert
Cathedral of the Madeleine 331 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utahhttps://ecclesorganfestival.weebly.com
Virtuoso Concert
Temple Square 50 E N. Temple, Salt Lake City, UtahSeth Bott, Organist
Hymn Sing & Pie Social
Taylorsville LDS Stake Meetinghouse 4845 South Woodhaven Drive, Taylorsville, Utah, United StatesThe SLCAGO Chapter is hosting a hymn sing on Friday, November 22, 2024. A hymn sing is an opportunity to hear friends play […]
Hauptwerk OpenHaus Sugarhouse
Three chapter members have generously offered to open their homes and allow us to tour their home setups. Three dates […]
NOVA Chamber Music Series
Libby Gardner Concert Hall 1375 Presidents Cir, Salt Lake City, UT, United StatesStops & Starts: Bach Cantatas & Organ Music Performances include the Wedding Cantata, Ich habe genug, and music by Viet […]
Eccles Organ Festival Andrew Vu
Cathedral of the Madeleine 331 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utahhttps://ecclesorganfestival.weebly.com/20250112-vu.html
Hauptwerk OpenHaus Federal Heights
Three chapter members have generously offered to open their homes and allow us to tour their home setups. There are […]
Hauptwerk OpenHaus West Haven
West HavenThree chapter members have generously offered to open their homes and allow us to tour their home setups. There are […]