We advertise events sponsored by other organizations in addition to our own. Some events may not be updated on the SLCAGO calendar. Please confirm location and time with the event sponsor.

Service Playing Exam Deadline

Last day to apply to take the Service Playing Exam Exam must be completed by March 31, 2023

$125 – $150

Celebrating Women Composers

First United Methodist Church 203 E 200 S, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Local chapter members perform organ works by women composers

Kurt Lueders Lecture Recital

First Baptist Church of Salt Lake City 777 E 1300 S, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Eccles Organ Festival

Cathedral of the Madeleine 331 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah

Loreto Aramendi, Concert Artist

Eccles Organ Festival

Cathedral of the Madeleine 331 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah

Adam Brakel, Concert Artist

All Bach Recital

Cathedral Church of St. Mark 231 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Halden Toy, Organist

SLCAGO Member Recital

First United Methodist Church 203 E 200 S, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Member Recital celebrating Women’s History Month featuring works by Nadia Boulanger, Emma Lou Diemer, Rachel Laurin, Cecilia McDowall, Anna Laura […]

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