Friday, November 18, 2022

Saint Ambrose Catholic Church

2315 East Redondo Ave.

Salt Lake City, Utah

About the Organ

The 50-rank Bigelow & Co. pipe organ (Op. 36) was completed in 2013. Many of the pipes and windchests came from the Holtkamp organ that was located in Saint. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, a favorite instrument of local musicians that could be heard on the Sunday radio broadcasts performed by Clay Christiansen. The Holtkamp organ became available when Saint Mark’s commissioned a new instrument that was more suitable for the space. The organ was enlarged and a new case designed to match the unique architecture and stained-glass windows of Saint Ambrose. 



Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (CWM RHONDDA)

Organist: Stanley Heap


Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL)

Organist: Christopher Huntzinger


Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (NETTLETON)

Organist: Mark Atencio


The Water is Wide (O WALY, WALY)

Organist: Shelby Fisher

Trumpet: Maryna Pohlman


For the Beauty of the Earth (DIX)

Organist: Lora Kelly


Be Thou My Vision (SLANE)

Organist: Terry Jankowski


The King of Love My Shepherd Is (ST COLUMBIA)

Organist: Kristin Cook


Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN)

Organist: Shelby Fisher

Trumpet: Maryna Pohlman


Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (LOBE DEN HERREN)

Organist: Rebecca Bennion

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