Pedals, Pipes, & Pizza 2019 — Early Notice

Update 2019.08.17: PPP will now be in early November. Keep checking back for details!

It’s mid-August now, and we’re already getting inquiries about this year’s Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza (PPP) event! We are so glad that you enjoy this event so much!

We are still working out details. We can tell you this much now:

  • PPP 2019 will be held during October November
  • PPP 2019 will be held on Temple Square

We are still working to lock down the date and time, and which organs we will be able to play.

So, get ready! Start looking at which organ piece you would like to play on these famous organs. Pick something that you’re comfortable with so that you can spend your energy just enjoying these organs and not distressing about your playing. Besides, no one is going to worry about what you’re playing. We grown folks just thoroughly watching you students being brave enough just to play. Don’t you worry about a thing. You just come enjoy these organs!

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