Sub-Dean’s Message – April 2020

As John indicated in his Dean’s Message, we are working to adjust our approach to events, chapter business needs, etc., and we are beginning to think of alternative ways that we can bring you value as chapter members. Here are a few updates in that vein.

Bi-annual Elections

Normally, our bi-annual elections would have been held during our May Season Finale and Business Meeting. That event now being postponed, we will conduct our required officers election online. The election deadline is 31 May 2020, so watch for email from us in early May regarding the online election process. I promise: we’re using an online election tool built just for these kinds of elections, so it will be easy and straightforward!

Membership Directory Now Online

I am very excited to tell you that the SLCAGO membership directory is now online! See The content is passworded. I will email the password to all current members, and users may request the password via the web page. We requested, the password will only be shared with current members and staff.

We hope that access to the membership directory will encourage you to reach out to each other and to take care of each other during this time of restricted public activity.

To protect personally identifiable information (PII), this access will be restricted to current SLCAGO members and AGO staff. I will update the list quarterly, and will also update the password quarterly. We each have a role in protecting PII, so please do not share the password with anyone; have them request it from me via the web site.

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